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The Novel Bundle

A full critique of the writing theory elements of your manuscript to give you certainty that the framework of your novel is strong.

What this bundle includes

Developmental Editing

A detailed report on all the writing theory elements of your manuscript along with comments in the manuscript to help you incorporate edits.


Copyediting in US or British English using the Chicago Manual of Style. You are provided with a file marked up with tracked changes.

All bundles include a discount on copyediting.

Who is this bundle for?

This bundle is perfect for the querying or self-publishing author.

Editing for Querying Authors

Agents and commissioning editors are incredibly busy people. They are receiving hundred of submissions a week on top of managing their existing clients. They're looking for manuscripts that are 90% of the way there, that only need a nudge to conform to their preferences and backlists. If you're hundreds of queries deep and getting nowhere or are lacking confidence in your plot, a developmental edit could be just what you need to pull your manuscript up to the standard needed. Polish it all off with a copyedit and submit a sparkling manuscript to your favourite agents.

Editing Self-publishing Authors

You want to give your novel the best chance. A good cover and good marketing bring the readers in. A good story brings your readers back. Developmental edits hold your readers at the centre of decisions. Readers want to experience your story. Your reviews should be glowing accolades on the characterisation and their development, the gripping and immersive nature of the plot, the way the tension raises your reader's heart rates, how the subplots weave elegantly through the plot. What you don't want is nit-picky readers creating lists of typos, grammatical errors and continuity mistakes scattered throughout the text. Give them a strong story to sing your praises about.

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